Short Talks and Special Demonstrations

Short Talk: The Future of AI in Australia: Let’s Get Real

Kellie Nuttall (Deloitte AI Institute)

More about Kellie

Artificial Intelligence – Let’s face it – there’s a lot of hype, visions of Terminator and West World. Fear of employment loss. Confusion about what AI even is. The fact of the matter is AI technologies are delivering amazing benefits in our personal lives every single day already. We’re now in the age of AI for business. However, research is showing Australian organisations are lagging behind other countries in AI adoption. So what role will these technologies play to deliver a better experience for our customers, employees and shareholders? What does it actually take to pragmatically scale AI, in a responsible way, to maximise the true potential of human and machine collaboration? This session promises a no-hype discussion of what these technologies are, and why every organisation needs to be thinking about AI now.

Short Talk: The Future on the Blockchain

Max Soyref (KPMG)

More about Max

From internet giants to emerging start-ups – everyone is making a bet on what the future of the internet looks like. Sovereign networks or corporate walled gardens are counter-balanced by those that see the future of the web as decentralised and distributed. Blockchain and related technologies which may underpin such distributed ecosystems have driven an explosion of innovation, experimentation, and scepticism in equal measure. What have we learnt from the last decade of public and corporate application of this emerging technology and what’s next?

Live Demonstration: Building Respeecher, a Ukrainian startup Replacing One Voice With Another

Grant Reaber (Respeecher)

More about Grant

When most people think of synthetic speech, they think of text-to-speech systems. While text-to-speech has massively improved over the past few years, the nuance and directability of the performance are fundamentally limited compared with performances by real actors. Respeecher instead takes an often highly emotional performance by a real actor and resynthesizes it in a different voice. The Emmy Award-winning technology has been used in Hollywood movies and hit TV shows to recreate well-known voices like Luke Skywalker and Richard Nixon. Grant Reaber has experienced the challenge, as an American, of co-founding a high tech startup in Ukraine and growing the company through a war. Throughout the entire Russian invasion, the Respeecher team has remained fully operational, growing the rate of project delivery and expanding into areas such as real-time synthesis and healthcare applications.

Short Talk: Virtual World Building

Michela Ledwidge (Mod)

More about Michela

You can enjoy novelist Neal Stephenson’s sci-fi without wanting his dystopian vision of “The Metaverse” – or Facebook’s – to become reality. This talk provides practical tips and tricks on navigating the next age of spatial computing, from an opinionated web1 professional who was hanging out in AlphaWorld way back in 1995.

Short Talk: Innovation Starts with a B(ee)

Adam Ferrier (Thinkerbell)

More about Adam

More details will be available shortly.